Friday, October 16, 2015

It Was Just You and Me

He had met her through a friend. At first, they were shy, but quickly overcame that and became the best of friends. Two years into their friendship, the boy had to move, and the girl was devastated. They kept in contact, but through some miracle, their friendship remained strong, if not grew stronger, through their willingness to remain friends.

Soon, the boy fell for the girl, and planned to confess. He had the perfect moment ready: Her birthday was coming soon, he was able to fly over and visit her for a week and surprise her. The day quickly approached and he was getting even more nervous. She knew something was up because he wasn't responding to her texts at all. She was starting to get worried, but that's when his reply came in.

"Turn around." He had sent. She was skeptical and replied, "No way.... NO WAY!" After she had pressed the sent button, she turned to see her best friend there behind her, at the park where she said she had planned to visit. They hugged and he took her out to dinner. 

There, he confessed that, in truth, he had come over because he wanted to visit her and to ask her out. She says yes and they get together.

Unfortunately, the festivities were short lived because he had to go back. He promised her that one day he'll permanently move back to their old town. And so, he went back and things continued as normal, except the fact that they're together. 

5 years later, they're still together, but she gets diagnosed with a terminal illness. Devastated, she didn't want to tell him because he was working so hard for their dream home together. She wanted him to continue working so that one day, when she does go, he'll have something to remember her by. He finds out anyways through documents he found lying around. He confronts her and after a short argument she faints. 

He rushes her to the hospital and she gets rushed into the ER. The doctor comes out saying that she can only be saved if someone of the same blood type donates several vital organs. Just then, she's wheeled out and into the ICU. He signs up to see if he can be a donor, which it turns out, he can be. He volunteers to give up his life for the one he loved, but left her a letter to explain everything.

Two weeks later, she had recovered enough to start eating on her own, when she found a letter laying next to her. She had been wondering where the love of her life was, but was in tears after she had found out the truth. 

Flash to 75 years later and she still lives in the house he had worked hard to buy for her. She isn't married, no kids running through the house, and yet, she still smiles. 

Hillbilly Weekend with Jintus Riebs (Justin Bieber)

It's going to be a great weekend! Said no one ever.